Elliptical Fictions
Elliptical Fictions
Inpired by my solo, Elliptical Fiction, Elliptical Fictions expands upon the movement technique and philosophy
of Tai Chi Chen. Elliptical Fictions incorporates the idea of yin and yang, and integrates seemingly opposing ideas.
The phrase, the curve searching towards the line and the line searching towards
the curve was one of the integral ideas for this performance.
Commisioned by Footnote New Zealand Dance in 2018
Chorographed by Zahra Killeen-Chance
Music Emi Pogoni
Dancers Tyler Carney, Joshua Fateatua, Georgia Beechey-Gradwell, Anu Khapung and Adam Naughton
Background Art by Richard Killeen
Costumes in collabotation with AUT Textile design lab
Photos Caroline Atkinson Photography and Ll Jianyang
Balancing Point, Te Whaea National Dance and Drama Centre, Wellington, 2018
Balancing Point, Aurora Centre, Christchurch, 2018
Balancing Point, Q Theatre, Rangatira, Auckland, 2018
Hemispheres, Guangdong Dance Festival, China, 2018
Hemispheres, Heyuan Grand Theatre, China, 2018
Hemispheres at Jiangmen Performing Arts Centre, China, 2018
Hemispheres at Shenzhen (Xixixixi Arts Festival), China, 2018
Hemispheres, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland, 2019
Hemispheres, Regent On Broadway, Palmerston North, 2019
Hemispheres, Isaac Theatre Royal, Christchurch, 2019
Hemispheres, Regent Theatre, Dunedin, 2019
Hemispheres, Soundings - Te Papa, Wellington, 2019
Short video links